Thursday, December 27, 2012

20 Linux System Monitoring Tools

Need to monitor Linux server performance? When a performance issue arises, there are 4 main areas to consider: CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, and Network. The commands discussed below are some of the most basic commands when it comes to system analysis and debugging server issues such as:
  1. Monitoring System Resource
  2. Monitoring Disks (storage) .
  3. Monitoring Users.
  4. Network bottlenecks.
1.Monitoring System Resource

1.1 Top – Linux Process Monitoring
The top will display a continually updating report of system resource usage. The top portion of the report lists information such as the system time, uptime, CPU usage, physical ans swap memory usage, and number of processes.
You can modify the output of top while is is running. If you hit an i, top will no longer display idle processes. Hit i again to see them again. Hitting M will sort by memory usage, S will sort by how long they processes have been running, and P will sort by CPU usage again.
In addition to viewing options, you can also modify processes from within the top command. You can use u to view processes owned by a specific user, k to kill processes, and r to renice them.
For more in-depth information about processes you can look in the /proc filesystem. In the /proc filesystem you will find a series of sub-directories with numeric names. These directories are associated with the processes ids of currently running processes. In each directory you will find a series of files containing information about the process.

1.2 Iostat – Input/Output Statistics
The iostat will display the current CPU load average and disk I/O information. This is a great command to monitor your disk I/O usage. IoStat is simple tool that will collect and show system input and output storage device statistics. This tool is often used to trace storage device performance issues including devices, local disks, remote disks such as NFS.

1.3 VmStat – Virtual Memory Statistics 
The vmstat command will provide a report showing statistics for system processes, memory, swap, I/O, and the CPU. These statistics are generated using data from the last time the command was run to the present. In the case of the command never being run, the data will be from the last reboot until the present.By default vmstat command is not available under Linux systems you need to install a package called sysstat that includes a vmstat progra.

1.4 Lsof – List Open Files
The lsof command will print out a list of every file that is in use. Since Linux considers everything a file, this list can be very long. However, this command can be useful in diagnosing problems. An example of this is if you wish to unmount a filesystem, but you are being told that it is in use. You could use this command and grep for the name of the filesystem to see who is using it.
Or suppose you want to see all files in use by a particular process. To do this you would use lsof -p -processid-.

1.5 ps - Process Status command
 The ps will provide you a list of processes currently running. There is a wide variety of options that this command gives you. A common use would be to list all processes currently running. To do this you would use the ps -ef command.
The first column shows who owns the process. The second column is the process ID. The Third column is the parent process ID. This is the process that generated, or started, the process. The forth column is the CPU usage (in percent). The fifth column is the start time, of date if the process has been running long enough. The sixth column is the tty associated with the process, if applicable. The seventh column is the cumulitive CPU usage (total amount of CPU time is has used while running). The eighth column is the command itself.

2. Monitoring Disks (storage) .

2.1 Df command
The df will show disk usage for all your mounted filesystems in 1K block. You can also use the -h to see the output in "human-readable" format. This will be in K, Megs, or Gigs depending on the size of the filesystem. In addition to space usage, you could use the -i option to view the number of used and available inodes.

2.2 The du command
To view usage by a directory or file you can use du. Unless you specify a file name du will act recursively. Or like the df I can use the -h and get the same output in "human-readable" form. For example: 

If you just want a summary of that directory you can use the -s option.

2.3 The Fdisk command
The fdisk command is a text-based utility for viewing and managing hard disk partitions on Linux. It’s one of the most powerful tools you can use to manage partitions.
fdisk -l commands lists the partitions on your system. To view all partitions of the /dev/sda hard disk
fdisk -l /dev/sda

3. Monitoring Users.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

IEEE 802 Standards

 Brief background of IEEE802 standards for LAN and MAN
While connecting computers through networks we need to have set of rules/standards for the data to travel from one computer to other computer. The right example for this can be road traffic rules. It's self understood, why we need traffic rules while driving, in same sense for the data packets to travel from one computer terminal to other terminal they should also follow set of rules and regulations.
One such set of rules for the networking traffic to follow is IEEE802 standards. Its developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) The IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology. It's a non- profit organization offering its members immense benefits.
The standards such as IEEE 802 helps industry provide advantages such as, interoperability, low product cost, and easy to manage standards.
IEEE standards deal with only Local Area Networks (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN). See in the figure below, to know where exactly the IEEE802 standards are used in a OSI layer.

The IEEE 802 standards are further divided into many parts. They are,
IEEE 802.1 Bridging (networking) and Network Management
IEEE 802.2 Logical link control (upper part of data link layer)
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet (CSMA/CD)
IEEE 802.4 Token bus (disbanded)
IEEE 802.5 Defines the MAC layer for a Token Ring (inactive)
IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Networks (disbanded)
IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable (disbanded)
IEEE 802.8 Fiber Optic TAG (disbanded)
IEEE 802.9 Integrated Services LAN (disbanded)
IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN Security (disbanded)
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification)
IEEE 802.12 demand priority (disbanded)
IEEE 802.13 Not Used
IEEE 802.14 Cable modems (disbanded)
IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.1 (Bluetooth certification)
IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee certification)
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification)
IEEE 802.16e (Mobile) Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.17 Resilient packet ring
IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG
IEEE 802.19 Coexistence TAG
IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handoff
IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network
Here we discuss most popular and key parts of above list
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet (CSMA/CD)
A method called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) was used to send data over shared single co-axial cable connected to all computers on a network. In this method, the computer terminals (also called as stations) transmits the data over cable whenever the cable is idle, If more than one station transmit at same time and if they collide, the transmission will be stopped by such stations. They will wait for some random time and restart transmission.
The concept of sharing single cable or wire between multiple stations was used for first time in Hawaiian Islands. It was called ALOHA systems; built to allow radio communication between machines located at different places in Hawaiian Islands. Later Xerox PARC built a 2.94 mbps CSMA/CD system to connect multiple personal computers on a single cable. It was named as Ethernet.
Ethernet or IEEE802.3 standards only define MAC (Data link) and Physical layer of standard OSI model.
Wiring and cabling standards of 802.3
There are four cabling standards as per 802.3, each one has evolved over the time for their special advantages.
The four types of cables are,
1. 10Base5
2. 10Base2
3. 10Base-T
4. 10Base-F

The table below compares all four types of cables
Technical Name
Cable/Wire type
Max. Segment/wire Length
Maximum number of Nodes/Segment
Thick coaxial
500 meters
Long cable length
RG58 (thin) coaxial
185 meters
Low cost
Twisted pair (like telephone wire)
100 meters
Easy to maintain
2,000 meters
No noise interference

The 10 in the technical name refer to data speed of 10Mbits/sec.
"Link Integrity" and "Auto-partition" are part of the 10BaseT specification. This means that all network equipment claiming compliance with 10BaseT must support Link Integrity and Auto-partitioning.
10 Base5 is also called as ThickNet or thick Ethernet. It uses RG-8 thick coaxial trunk cable, which looks like orange colored garden hose. The cable is tapered with taps called vampire taps in which a pin is carefully forced halfway into the cable's core. The connection can be made to the desired computer network interface card (NIC) from these vampire taps. ThickNet can travel 500 meters per segment, and it can have a maximum of 100 taps per segment. Each tap requires a minimum distance of 2.5 meters before the next tap and has a maximum drop distance of 50 meters. The cable must be terminated with a 50-ohm terminator resistor.
Due to its complex and slow nature 10Base5 is no more preferred. The severe drawback is entire line will fail for any single failure on the trunk. This cable can be termed as obsolete/outdated technology.
The one plus point of ThickNet is that, once it's up and running, it will continue to do so until you tell it otherwise. Although it is slow and unwieldy, 10Base5 technology is very reliable.
Here is the figure showing how the cables are connected to Network Interface Cards inside the computer using 10base5.

10Base2 is not very different from 10 Base5. The most notable physical difference between 10Base2 and 10Base5 is the size of the co-axial cable. 10Base2 is thinner than the 10Base5 and so is called as ThinNet or thin Ethernet. Another difference is that 10Base2 is set up in a daisy chain. Daisy chain is a wiring scheme in which, for example, device A is wired to device B, device B is wired to device C, device C is wired to device D, et cetera.
10Base2 uses BNC connectors attached to a thin coaxial cable. The maximum segment length of 10Base2 is 185 meters, and the maximum number of devices per segment is 30.
10Base is also outdated/obsolete technology. In rare cases it could be deployed as a backbone for a network.

10Base-T is the most popular cabling method. Its also called Standard Ethernet, or twisted pair, 10Base-T works on a star topology connecting all computers to a hub. It is best used with Category 5 cable (so it can be upgraded to Fast Ethernet) and can have a maximum of three hubs daisy-chained together.
Since it is simple and cheap to implement it is most opted one. The specifications of Standard Ethernet include the following:
It uses RJ45 connectors on unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable.
The maximum cable length is 100 meters (before a repeater is needed).
The maximum number of devices per segment is 1,024 (although performance will become quite poor before that number is ever reached).
The 10Base-T standard is best employed within a LAN where cost is a factor-and speed and distance are not.
Link Integrity is concerned with the condition of the cable between the network adapter and the hub. If the cable is broken, the hub will automatically disconnect that port.
Auto partitioning occurs when an Ethernet hub port experiences more than 31 collisions in a row. When this happens, the hub will turn off that port, essentially isolating the problem.

In 10BaseF the twisted copper wires are replaced by a optical fiber. 10Base-F uses a higher quality cabling technology, multimode (or single-mode) fiber-optic cable, to transport data. The particular technology has two subdivisions that must be addressed: the newer 10Base-FL and 10BaseFOIRL.
Because it is older, the 10BaseFOIRL (Fiber-optic Inter-repeater Link) technology doesn't have quite the capabilities of the newer 10Base-FL. With 10BaseFOIRL, you have the following specs:
It's based on IEEE 802.3.
The segment length is 1,000 meters.
There are three sizes of duplex multimode fiber: 50-, 62.5-, or 100-micron. Of these three, 62.5-micron is the most common.
ST or SMA 905 connectors are used by 10BaseFOIRL.
It must be used in a star configuration.
AUI connectors have to be connected to fiber transceivers.
The much-improved 10Base-FL technology offers a different set of specs:
It's based on the 10Base-F IEEE 802.3 spec.
It's able to interoperate with FOIRL and is designed to replace the FOIRL specification.
The segment length is 2,000 meters (if exclusively using 10Base-FL).
The maximum number of devices per segment is two; one is the station and the other is the hub.
The maximum number of repeaters that may be used between devices is two.
NICs with standard AUI ports must use a fiber-optic transceiver.
The benefits of optical fiber are,
No radio or magnetic interference.
Transmissions are safe from electronic bugging,
Cable is extremely lightweight,
10Base-FL fiber-optic technologies are best implemented in long runs where reliability and security are critical.

IEEE802.4: Token bus
In this system, the nodes are physically connected as a bus, but logically form a ring with tokens passed around to determine the turns for sending. It has the robustness of the 802.3 broadcast cable and the known worst case behavior of a ring. The structure of a token bus network is as follows:

Token bus or 802.4 is more robust and reliable than 802.3 frames. The standard 802.4 is a linear or tree shaped cable onto which the stations are attached.
Network is a physical bus but a logical ring. The stations are numbered and are allowed to access the medium sequentially. If there are n stations, and packet transmission time is bounded to T, then the maximum waiting time is nT. Token bus MAC is simple and robust. Token bus is mostly used in automation systems.
Data is subdivided into four priority classes. Each station has four packet queues, one for each priority. When a station receives token, it is allowed to transmit certain fixed time. During that time it transmits packets in the decreasing order of priorities.
Frame Structure:
A 802.4 frame has the following fields:
Preamble: The Preamble is for synchronizing the receiver's clock.
Starting Delimiter (SD) and End Delimiter (ED): The SD and ED fields are used to mark frame boundaries. Both contain analog encoding of symbols other than 1 or 0 so that they cannot occur accidentally in the user data. Lengthy field is no more needed.
Frame Control (FC): FC is used to distinguish data frames from control frames. Data frames carries the frame's priority as well as a bit which the destination can set as an acknowledgement. For control frames, the Frame Control field is used to specify the frame type. Token passing and various ring maintenance frames are the allowed frame types.
Destination and Source Address: The Destination and Source address fields may be of 2 bytes (for a local address) or 6 bytes (for a global address).
Data: This is the actual data and it is of 8182 bytes when 2 byte addresses are used and 8174 bytes for 6 byte addresses.
Checksum: A 4-byte checksum of the data for error detection.
IEEE 802.5: Token Ring Network
Token Ring is formed by the nodes connected in ring format as shown in the diagram below.

The principle used in the token ring network is that a token is circulating in the ring and whichever node grabs that token will have right to transmit the data. Whenever a station wants to transmit a frame it inverts a single bit of the 3-byte token which instantaneously changes it into a normal data packet. Because there is only one token, there can atmost be one transmission at a time.
Since the token rotates in the ring it is guarenteed that every node gets the token with in some specified time. So there is an upper bound on the time of waiting to grab the token so that starvation is avoided.
There is also an upper limit of 250 on the number of nodes in the network. To distinguish the normal data packets from token (control packet) a special sequence is assigned to the token packet. When any node gets the token it first sends the data it wants to send, then recirculates the token.
If a node transmits the token and nobody wants to send the data the token comes back to the sender. If the first bit of the token reaches the sender before the transmission of the last bit, then error situation araises. So to avoid this we should have:
propogation delay + transmission of n-bits (1-bit delay in each node ) > transmission of the token time
A station may hold the token for the token-holding time. which is 10 ms unless the installation sets a different value. If there is enough time left after the first frame has been transmitted to send more frames, then these frames may be sent as well. After all pending frames have been transmitted or the transmission frame would exceed the token-holding time, the station regenerates the 3-byte token frame and puts it back on the ring.
If a node transmits the token and nobody wants to send the data the token comes back to the sender. If the first bit of the token reaches the sender before the transmission of the last bit, then error situation araises. So to avoid this we should have:
propogation delay + transmission of n-bits (1-bit delay in each node ) > transmission of the token time
A station may hold the token for the token-holding time. which is 10 ms unless the installation sets a different value. If there is enough time left after the first frame has been transmitted to send more frames, then these frames may be sent as well. After all pending frames have been transmitted or the transmission frame would exceed the token-holding time, the station regenerates the 3-byte token frame and puts it back on the ring.
802.11 Wireless LAN Standards
Provides network connectivity over wireless media
An Access Point (AP) is installed to act as Bridge between Wireless and Wired Network
The AP is connected to wired network and is equipped with antennae to provide wireless connectivity
Range ( Distance between Access Point and WLAN client) depends on structural hindrances and RF gain of the antenna at the Access Point
To service larger areas, multiple APs may be installed with a 20-30% overlap
A client is always associated with one AP and when the client moves closer to another AP, it associates with the new AP (Hand-Off)
Three flavors:
Data Transfer Rate(Max)
Typical Indoor Range
Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is an expensive LAN technology that employs a pair of fibre-optic rings. One is primary ring and the second ring is used to replace the primary ring in the case of a network failure. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) uses fiber-optic cable and is wired in a ring topology and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) uses token passing as its media-access method and can operate at high speeds.
The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) provides high-speed network backbones that can be used to connect and extend LANs.
Like token ring, FDDI also has error-detection and correction capabilities. In a normally operating Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) ring, the token passes by each network device fast. If the token is not seen within the maximum amount of time that it takes to circulate the largest ring, it indicates a network problem.
Fiber-optic cable such as the cable used with Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) can support very large volumes of data over large distances.
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is an expensive technology to set up because the network devices require a special network card and also fiber-optic cabling is required, which is expensive than twisted-pair cable. Because most Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) installations use a redundant second ring, more cabling is required.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Local Area Network(LAN) Topologies

The term network topology refers to the layout of a network. The type of topology affects what networking method is used, as well as what cable types and network devices are required. Network topologies can be defined on a physical level or on a logical level. The physical topology refers to how a network is physically constructed — that is, how it actually looks. The logical topology refers to how a network looks to the devices that use it—in other words, how it actually functions.
There are a number of different network topologies, and a network may be built using multiple topologies. The different types of network layouts are:
·         Bus topology
·         Star topology
·         Mesh topology
·         Ring topology
·         Hybrid topology

Bus topology: A linear bus topology consists of a main run of cable with a terminator at each end. All nodes (file server, workstations, and peripherals) are connected to the linear cable.
·         Uses a single length of cable.
·         Devices connect directly to the cable.
·         The cable must be terminated at both ends.
·         It is inexpensive and easy to implement.
·         Requires less cable length than a star topology.
·         Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.
·         Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable.
·         Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
·         Not meant to be used as a stand-alone solution in a large building.
·         It cannot be expanded easily. 

Star topology: A star topology is designed with each node (file server, workstations, and peripherals) connected directly to a central network hub, switch, or concentrator. Data on a star network passes through the hub, switch, or concentrator before continuing to its destination. The hub, switch, or concentrator manages and controls all functions of the network. It also acts as a repeater for the data flow. This configuration is common with twisted pair cable; however, it can also be used with coaxial cable or fiber optic cable.
·         Devices connect to a central point.
·         Each system uses an individual cable to attach
·         Multiple stars can be combined to create a hierarchical star.
·         Easy to install and wire.
·         It can be easily expanded without disruption to existing systems.
·         Easy to detect faults and to remove parts.
·         Requires more cable length than a linear topology.
·         It requires additional networking equipment to create the network layout.
·         If the hub, switch, or concentrator fails, nodes attached are disabled.
·         More expensive than linear bus topologies because of the cost of the hubs, etc.

Mesh topology:  The mesh topology is unique: It requires each computer on the network to be individually connected to every other device. This configuration provides maximum reliability and redundancy for the network. If one cable or link fails, the data can use an alternate path to get to its destination.
·         A true mesh uses point- to-point connectivity between all devices.
·         A hybrid mesh uses point-to-point connectivity between certain devices, but not all of them.
·         Multiple links provide fault tolerance and redundancy.
·         The network can be expanded with minimal or no disruption.
·         It is difficult to implement.
·         It can be expensive because it requires specialized hardware and cable.

Ring topology: In the ring topology, the network layout forms a complete ring.Computers connect to the network cable directly or, far more commonly, through a specialized network device. On a ring network, data travels in one direction, passing from on computer to the next until it reaches the intended destination.
·         Devices are connected in a closed loop or ring.
·         Dual-ring configuration can be used for fault  tolerance.
·         It is easy to troubleshoot.
·         Can be implemented in a fault tolerant configuration
·         A cable break can disrupt the entire network.
·         Network expansion creates network disruption.
5-4-3 Rule
A consideration in setting up a tree topology using Ethernet protocol is the 5-4-3 rule. One aspect of the Ethernet protocol requires that a signal sent out on the network cable reach every part of the network within a specified length of time. Each concentrator or repeater that a signal goes through adds a small amount of time. This leads to the rule that between any two nodes on the network there can only be a maximum of 5 segments, connected through 4 repeaters/concentrators. In addition, only 3 of the segments may be populated (trunk) segments if they are made of coaxial cable. A populated segment is one that has one or more nodes attached to it . In Figure 4, the 5-4-3 rule is adhered to. The furthest two nodes on the network have 4 segments and 3 repeaters/concentrators between them.
NOTE: This rule does not apply to other network protocols or Ethernet networks where all fiber optic cabling or a combination of a fiber backbone with UTP cabling is used. If there is a combination of fiber optic backbone and UTP cabling, the rule would translate to a 7-6-5 rule.The speed of networking switches is vastly improved over older technologies, and while every effort should be made to limit network segment traversal, efficient switching can allow much larger numbers of segments to be traversed with little or no impact to the network.
Considerations When Choosing a Topology
·         Money. A linear bus network may be the least expensive way to install a network; you do not have to purchase concentrators.
·         Length of cable needed. The linear bus network uses shorter lengths of cable.
·         Future growth. With a star topology, expanding a network is easily done by adding another concentrator.
·         Cable type. The most common cable in schools is unshielded twisted pair, which is most often used with star topologies.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Network Address Translation(NAT)

 Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process where a network device, usually a firewall, assigns a public address to a computer (or group of computers) inside a private network. The main use of NAT is to limit the number of public IP addresses an organization or company must use, for both economy and security purposes.
Purposes of NAT:
NAT accomplishes these key purposes:
·         It acts as a firewall by hiding internal IP addresses.
·         It enables an enterprise to use more internal IP addresses, since there is no possibility of conflict between its internal-only IP addresses and those used by other organizations. Essentially, an organization can present itself to the Internet with fewer IP addresses than used on its internal network, which conserves public IP addresses.
·         It allows an enterprise to bundle multiple ISDN connections into one Internet connection.
NAT Terminology:
·         Inside local address - Usually not an IP address assigned by a RIR or service provider and is most likely an RFC 1918 private address.
·         Inside global address - Valid public address that the inside host is given when it exits the NAT router. – When traffic from PC1 is destined for the web server at, router R2 must translate the address. In this case, IP address is used as the inside global address for PC1.
·         Outside global address - Reachable IP address assigned to a host on the Internet. – For example, the web server is reachable at IP address
·         Outside local address - The local IP address assigned to a host on the outside network. In most situations, this address will be identical to the outside global address of that outside device.
Note: Privateð Local; Publicð Global; userð inside; ISPð outside.
The Forms of NAT:
Static NAT
·         Static NAT: Static NAT is a simple one-to-one mapping of private and public addresses. This is required to support inbound connections from your public network into your private network. For each local address defined, there has to be an associated globally unique address.
Dynamic NAT

·         Dynamic NAT: Unlike static NAT that provides a permanent mapping between an internal address and a specific public address, dynamic NAT maps private IP addresses to public addresses. Dynamic NAT uses a pool of public addresses and assigns them on a first-come, first-served basis. When a host with a private IP address requests access to the Internet, dynamic NAT chooses an IP address from the pool that is not already in use by another host. Dynamic NAT is useful when fewer addresses are available than the actual number of hosts to be translated.
overload NAT or PAT

·         Overload NAT or PAT: PAT  maps multiple private IP addresses to a single registered or public IP address by using different ports. This is what most home broadband routers do. Your ISP assigns an IP address to your router, but you find out that all the computers in the house could connect to the Internet at the same time. PAT uses unique source port numbers on the inside global IP address to distinguish between translations. When a client logs on the Internet, the NAT router assigns a port number to its source address. NAT overload or PAT ensures that clients use a different TCP port number for each client session with a server on the Internet. When the server response, the client router routes the packet based on the source port number, which had become the destination port number. This process also validates that the incoming packets were requested, thus adding a degree of security to the session.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Using NAT:
NAT benefits:
·         Conserves the legally registered addressing scheme
·         Increases the flexibility of connections to the public network
·         Provides consistency for internal network addressing schemes
·         Provide network security
NAT drawbacks:
·         Performance is degraded
·         End-to-end functionality is degraded
·         End-to-end IP traceability is lost
·         Tunneling is more complicated
·         Initiating TCP connections can b e dusrupted
·         Architectures need to be rebuilt to accommodate changes